The historical shrub roses in urban green areas


Roses are among the most important ornamental plants as the tradition of their cultivation dates back to ancient times. Nowadays, the historical roses evince our cultural heritage and biodiversity of the genus Rosa. Moreover, the mentioned roses have a high decorative value. The majority of older-origin cultivars meets the conditions required for plants intended for planting in the city, e.g. high winter hardiness, high heat and drought tolerance, sufficient resistance to diseases and pests, moderate or small soil requirements, satisfactory growth on their own roots, and self-cleaning. The low cultivation requirements allow to reduce the costs of maintenance of green areas. The participation of roses in an ecological balance in urban ecosystems is important. There is no tradition of the application of historical roses in public green areas and historical gardens in Poland. However, some of the historical cultivars can be recommended for planting along transport routes and in urban green areas, especially in the public greenery, communal gardens, parks, and in all places of historical importance. Many of them can be used in naturalistic planting schemes for garden landscapes. Roses can be planted solitary, in groups, for mass planting, hedges, and in sunny or partially shaded sites. They are also ideal for compositions with other species.


city landscape; urban gardening; garden roses; old roses; park; historical garden

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Published : 2018-10-05

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Marta Joanna Monder 
Polish Academy of Science Botanical Garden – Center for Biological Diversity Conservation in Powsin  Poland