The project of the biblical garden of prayer in the Jerusalem of Szarhorod in Ukraine in the context of the Calvary tradition and the challenges of religious tourism
The project of the biblical garden of prayer in the Jerusalem of Szarhorod in Ukraine in the context of the Calvary tradition and the challenges of religious tourism. Franciscan Calvaries, an interesting cultural phenomenon, are an important element of spirituality, pastoral activities, and rich enclaves of architecture and art,
known and valued not only by pious pilgrims, but also by a wider public, especially those who love art and the beauty of nature. The topography of the area and vegetation cover, referring to the realities of the Holy Land, are of great significance for outdoor Calvaries. The imitative efforts undertaken over the centuries in the European Calvaries drew a pilgrim’s imagination to the symbolic dictionary of biblical plants, which in turn shaped the experience of the sacrum and favoured further exploration of even better planning concepts and the use of the most optimal species of trees, shrubs and herbs adapted to specific environmental conditions. These arrangements as an architectural and iconographic complex were immersed in the green space of sacred gardens of prayer, which the Calvary complex has undoubtedly been for centuries and is still today. The article presents projects of planting biblical plants assigned to the station chapels of a new pilgrimage centre, taking into account the local topographic values, Franciscan traditions and contemporary pastoral needs. The text is illustrated by graphical visualisations of the whole complex and its individual parts.
the Jerusalem of Szarhorod in Ukraine; Franciscan Calvary; biblical gardens; pilgrimage movement; religious tourism
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