Landscape accessibility in terms of Polish law. Can everyone use urban open spaces in Poland?


Landscape accessibility in terms of Polish law. Can everyone use the urban open spaces in Poland? The article presents problems of designing urban open spaces (UOSs) in the context of their accessibility for individual users from various angles. First, it analyses aspects that should be taken into account, especially those that can contribute to the increase in UOSs’ accessibility and safety for people with special needs. Second, it considers issues pertaining to legal provisions that define design guidelines for individual elements of a space. Next, the paper also examines recent support for disabled people by the government, in particular the governmental programme “Accessibility Plus” and the new Accessibility Law. And finally, this publication is also an attempt to determine the general state of accessibility of UOSs located in Poland in relations to existing legal provisions. The law that does not oblige designers to plan accessibility with specific regulations cannot ensure UOSs’ accessibility. The article expounds that legal provisions should be stated as clear guidelines, and despite the fact that the Polish government is attempting to improve the present situation, the author postulates that further changes are needed.


universal design; accessibility; landscape architecture objects; people with disabilities; people with special needs; barriers

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Published : 2020-10-01

Kamil Leszek Rawski. (2020). Landscape accessibility in terms of Polish law. Can everyone use urban open spaces in Poland?. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, (41), 63-75. Retrieved from

Kamil Leszek Rawski 
Faculty of Architecture, Bialystok University of Technology  Poland