Designing gardens for hortitherapy


Hortitherapy is a phrase that can be understood in many ways, but above all it depicts a set of activities that include working in specially designed gardens. This article will focus on gardens that aim to help in therapy for people with neurodegenerative and mental health diseases. What catches our attention is that the matter is usually approached through the importance of garden therapy, yet most of the research pays little attention to the design part of the process. The methods used while composing a space for the use of therapy consists of the general rules of designing a landscape and the needs of the patients that are to benefit from the therapy. Thanks to the research, we have established that particular needs of patients with mental disabilities require particular landscape elements. These elements are correlated with particular disabilities and needs. Garden design for hortitherapy in its specifics shows the possibilities of spatial organisation to make it special in a way that comprehends patients’ needs and embodies the procedures and conditions of standard therapy.


garden; hortitherapy; garden design for hortitherapy

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Published : 2020-01-15

Kosiacka-BeckE., & MyszkaI. (2020). Designing gardens for hortitherapy. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, (40), 57–68. Retrieved from

Ewa Kosiacka-Beck 
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW  Poland
Izabela Myszka 
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW  Poland