A dyke as a relic of Dutch settlement on the example of Vogla street in Wilanów
The following text concerns the genesis and history of the transformation of Vogla street, historically located within the borders of the Wilanów Estate, a relic of Dutch settlement, currently one of the most intensely used roads in this part of Warsaw. Vogla street in its present shape was constructed in the 19th century, due to the intensification of Dutch settlements on the banks of Vistula. The settlers, adapting flood plains to agricultural purposes, introduced many forms of landscaping characteristic of their culture and tradition. Among them were roads reinforced with willow branches and stones, built on high embankments, sometimes planted along with poplars or willows. This kind of road was called by the Dutch settlers a trift, transformed in Polish into trytwa. Vogla street, and in particular its central part, surrounded by wetlands, is an example of a trytwa. It is currently one of the very few elements documenting the historical influence of the Dutch settlers’ culture on the development of the Wilanów landscape.
cultural landscape; Dutch settlement; dyke
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Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Poland