Selected problems related to the functioning of art installations in the cultural space of Poland – a case study of Zbawiciela square in Warsaw
The range of research in the publication concerned the problems during the construction process and the functioning of green spaces based on the example of the artistic installation called ‘Tęcza’ (‘Rainbow’). The range of problems has been presented, concerning the construction of all-accessible urban areas. After they have been specified, appropriate solutions have been offered aiming at diminishing or avoiding them. The research has been conducted with use of the survey method among officials, designers and the contractors of urban investments. The most common problems faced by the surveyed groups are: lack of communication between individual participants in the investment as well as lack of social consultations. All the surveyed spoke of formal difficulties. The officials point to negligence on
behalf of the designers and contractors. The former, on the other hand, point out to the officials’ incompetence and lack of factual preparation. Undoubtedly all participants in the research would like to see the investment process improved and their knowledge on it deepened. All of them emphasize that in the whole “investment triangle” it is the society that is the most important as well as any citizen-user of the public space. It may be concluded that all surveyed participants suggest both: the need of increasing education within the scope examined by the author and ensuring (at municipal level) a coordinator responsible for green investments in a city.
public space; landscape art; LGBT community; artistic installation ‘Tęcza’; street art; tolerance
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Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Poland
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW Poland