The role of the countryside in strengthening the green infrastructure system WrOF based on the example of Chrzanów village


The landscape is dynamic, and it undergoes constant changes which are clearly visible in places of intensive human activity. In the existing natural system, there are the phenomena of landscape fragmentation, including the disappearance of high greenery, river basin regulations, and the transformation of agricultural land into development sites. This problem can be noticed in places of urban sprawl and also the expansive settlement of rural areas located in their close proximity. The areas around cities play what is for them an important protective role. However, the border between a city and the countryside is a place of increased urbanisation and a disappearance of high greenery or open spaces. Such activities weaken the city’s green infrastructure system, which leads to a decreasing of its protective function, threatens biodiversity and disturbs the spatial landscape arrangement. For the Wrocław Functional Area (WrOF), in 2014 a project for a green infrastructure system was prepared, the implementation of which is designed to prevent these negative phenomena. The chance to strengthen the system is to use the potential that the green area has in the villages located in this area. This paper aims to present the possibilities of the Chrzanów village landscape, which can strengthen the green infrastructure system WrOF. It will be presented based on the example of Chrzanów village using the Sector Analysis of the Landscape Interior.


green infrastructure; Wrocław Functional Area WrOF; village; Chrzanów; Sector Analysis of the Landscape Interior

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Published : 2020-01-30

PyszczekJ. (2020). The role of the countryside in strengthening the green infrastructure system WrOF based on the example of Chrzanów village. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, (39), 55–69. Retrieved from

Jowita Pyszczek 
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy, Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences  Poland