How does ecosystem diversity contribute to the diversity of beetles, honeybees and bumblebees in Dolinka Służewska Park in Warsaw?


How does ecosystem diversity contribute to the diversity occurrence of beetles, honeybees and bumblebees in Dolinka Służewska Park in Warsaw? Studies regarding the benefits from urban green areas, among them parks, are of very high importance. In order to improve our understanding of biological diversity in urban parks, the presented study was carried out in one of the green areas of Warsaw, the Dolinka Służewska Park. We recorded beetles, honeybees and bumblebees using standard methods in six study plots representing different ecosystems located in the park, among them a leisure space represented by a small horticultural element with sitting places. The main objectives were to figure out (1) to what extent the plots studied contribute to the diversity of the species (2) if the pattern of contribution to biodiversity differs with respect to beetles and honeybees and bumblebees and (3) to what extent does a small man-made leisure space contribute to the diversity of beetles (Coleoptera), honeybees and bumblebees. The results indicated that the diversity of the studied ecosystems influences positively the diversity in species of beetles, honeybees and bumblebees. Individual plots may be of different significance for different taxonomic groups. In park areas like the one researched by us even small man-made places for leisure may be of high value in this context.

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Opublikowane : 2021-11-14

Tania Orellana Pillajo, Izabela Dymitryszyn, Agata Jojczyk, & Axel Schwerk. (2021). How does ecosystem diversity contribute to the diversity of beetles, honeybees and bumblebees in Dolinka Służewska Park in Warsaw?. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, (42), 117-127. Pobrano z

Tania Orellana Pillajo 
Izabela Dymitryszyn 
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW  Polska
Agata Jojczyk 
Institute of Environmental Engineering, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW  Polska
Axel Schwerk
Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie Instytut Inżynierii Środowiska Katedra Sztuki Krajobrazu  Polska