Influence of EU regulations in terms of the international competitiveness of the horticultural sector
Influence of EU regulations in terms of the international competitiveness of the horticultural sector. The article presents the support schemes available from EU funds in the horticultural sector contributing to an improvement of the product competitiveness of this sector on the international market. The analysis addresses both the support implemented in the scope of the common organisation of the horticultural market as well as that possible to obtain from the structural funds. The assistance concerns primarily the improvement of the demand concentration of fresh fruit and vegetables by directing the funds to the producers recognised by EU laws and support of the market participants in the scope of the information and promotion activities conducted by them. The article provides an overview of the scale of exploitation of the available funds by the participants of the fruit and vegetable sector, as well as the degree of adaptation of organisations and products of the sector to obligatory and voluntary quality requirements. In Poland, the organisation level of the primary fruit and vegetable market is still relatively low, but the scale of the exploitation of EU funds regarding the support of promotion activities is high. Also the degree of adjustment of organisations and products in the sector regarding the quality requirements is high.
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The Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute Polska